Coffee, anyone?

Friday, October 06, 2006


8.47am, 7th of October, trapped between the end of assignments and the last paper of our examination - Computer Modelling. I have now exhausted my supply of movies and TV series as well as games to keep me entertained. There're 5 more days to go, and I can't go on like this. I will die.

Good news is, the hit TV series, Lost, is back with the 3rd season, and it's still as lost as ever. Besides, South Park is also back! Within these two series lies salvation for me, and I'm very thankful. However, I wish Supernatural and Top Gear would come back soon. Can't wait to see Jeremy Clarkson with his cruel jokes, and James "Captain Slow" May boring everyone with technical stuffs and of course, hopefully Richard "Hamster" Hammond's almost fatal car crash footage.

Till then, (sadly) I'll have to spend my days trapped in Kelantan, spending my holidays in a routine fashion. No broadband connection means I have to wait till MMU reopens to be able to access those series, sobs! This will probably be my last post before I go back to Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Another sad thing is I will be saying goodbye to my (rented) Canon 350D. Goodbye, my friend, even though our time together was short, you certainly have served me well.

Lastly, I hope everyone has a boring holiday, because I'm certainly NOT able to have an enjoyable one.

p/s: Shin, try not to drink so often, ya? If you do I'll not treat you Milo ais anymore!

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