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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Persistant idiopathic fever

Finally, after 2 weeks at home in Kota Bharu, I'm back in Cyberjaya, with a fever which doesn't seem to want to leave me alone.

Actually I'm not going to talk about this fever, which is actually making me change my mind about going out with Rong and Shin tomorrow. Shame.

What I'm going to talk about is the brand new Windows Vista! If you're wondering what Windows Vista is, please go back to the stone age, the people there probably would know more than you do. Alright, enough with the useless stuff, let's get to the topic, shall we?

First thing I noticed about Vista is that it is rather fast to install. Alan clocked an installation time of 20 minutes, whereas I did 30 minutes, roughly, of course. This is good, because for people like me and my old housemate, Kelvin, we love to format our computers as a solution to all sorts of problems, be it software dysfunction or idiopathic (I think this word means "with no apparent cause") errors. In short, it's convenient, and easy to install.

Well, after everything's set, you start windows, and then configure usernames and passwords and stuff. Routine stuff. Finally, you're in business. Next thing you'd notice is that annoying sidebar thingie which chews up chunks of your memory and takes up 99 percent of your desktop. Unless you've got a very powerful PC and a widescreen LCD monitor I'd suggest that you turn that off. Who needs 2 clocks (a digital one and an analogue one, wtf?!)anyways? And there's a slideshow of nice photos on the sidebar too. Does it make any sense? Hell NO! Why would Chewbacca, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That doesn't make sense!

OK, after you've turned off the sidebar, perhaps you start choosing your favoured desktop wallpaper. Well, I guess it'd be fair to say that the wallpapers provided are really nice. In fact, the whole GUI of Vista is just great, you have a black, half-transparent taskbar, you have transparent window frames and title bars, you get a 3-D windows switching when you press windows button + tab, everything's just so beautiful.

Well, time to install your hardware drivers, then, you might think. No, no, no! Actually Windows would take care of that, and attempts to install your drivers would only cause conflicts and stuff. For instance, I installed my old Nvidia driver, and as a result all the transparent windows and stuff were gone! Installing other softwares might be a very troublesome task as well, as everytime you run a program, Windows would ask whether you authorised the execution of that program. Of course, this is for our own protection against worms and spywares and what-nots, but it's simply too fucking irritating. Turn off the User Accounts Control, for Gods sakes. Turn it back on only after you've finished installing all the softwares you needed. Oh, just a reminder, do not EVER install Alcohol 120%, 'cause the next thing that happens after would be being unable to go into Windows.

Well, everything else, I would say, is pretty much like Windows XP, perhaps faster in the way things run. Vista optimizes its performance according to your PC's performance, so you don't really have to worry about it being unstable or whatever.

So, go on and try it out, people. But if it runs rather slowly on your PC, it's not my fault, you take your own risk.

Q: What did the dumb, deaf and blind kid get for Christmas?
A: Cancer

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